Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Back From Hiatus, or New Releases for December 15th

This marks my mighty and triumphant return to the world of internet blogging. I wish I could say something amazing has happened since the last time I blogged. Nuthin' spectacular! I can't say I got arrested while crossing the border for smuggling or that I was in a Cambodian prison for defacing public property.

The fact is I just been plain ol' busy. Work tends to do that to you. In fact, I've been working too much. My kids are probably wondering "where's poppa?". Oh! I should hurry up and finish this fast! When I left home a week ago, I told them I was just going to go get a Pepsi at the market down the street.


G-Force: Wait, Guinea Pigs with guns AND Zach Galifanakis!? Movie of the year. I'm sold.

The Hangover: When I saw the preview for this months ago I though "Jeez! That movie looks horrible". Then all of a sudden it comes out, & everyone tells me it's the greatest thing since bendy straws. I'm just tired of comedies with balding, grown men who still act like they're sixteen. I guess I'm just jaded & fail to see the humor. You should watch it out of spite for this writer. I know I would if I were you.

Inglourious Basterds: Tarantino's misspelled masterpiece of blood, guns, revenge and "nat-sees" comes to DVD right before the madness of Christmas. Nothing says "I love you" or "I respect you as a human being" than by renting this flick for your sweetie. It's very telling that everyone from the spoiled cineaste to my friend who only watches things like "He's Just Not That Into You" all think it's the cat's meow! Plus there's some pretty gnarly decapitations.

Taking Woodstock: Ang Lee is a pretty diverse guy. I'm not too crazy about his movies, but the guy hops on a pretty wide variety of projects. You have to give it to the guy. This one is a comedy about a kid helping bringing the Woodstock Music Festival into... well... Woodstock so all the hippies can pay for rooms at his parents' motel. Here's the error in his idea: hippies don't pay for things. All they do is bum off everyone and say it's in the name of love. Also, this movie has Eugene Levy playing a character not unlike the character he plays in every other movie he is in.


Braveheart (Blu-Ray)
City of Joy
Crossing Over
The Escapist
Fringe S.1
The Hangover (Blu-Ray)
Inglourious Basterds (Blu-Ray)
The Jerry Lewis Show Collection
Last House on the Beach
Mickey's Christmas Carol
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
The Tudors S.3
Warner Christmas set including All Mine to Give, It Happened on 5th Avenue, Blossoms in the Dusy, and the Holiday Affair
The Wizard of Oz (Blu-Ray)
The Wizards of Waverly Place


3 Godfathers: Let me just start by saying this isn't John Ford's best, but it's a good one to watch this holiday season, especially if you're tired of the drudgery of Santa Buddies, Elf and It's a Wonderful Life. The story is a straight parallel of the three wisemen's tale: the Duke, some red head, and a gentle Mexican bandito and criminal buddies who go across the West robbing banks. Stuck in the desert and in search of water, they end up finding an ill woman who's about to give birth. The mother dies after childbirth so these three kindhearted crooks are left to care for the little one. The cinematography is beautiful and it's the first Christmas film I've seen in a while without a single mention of Santa Claus or gifts. The three men have more important things on their mind. It's worth a viewing to get your mind off the deep financial debt the holidays put you in.


See you next time. Well, that is IF there is a next time...

Don't write "Merry Christmas" on cards this year. Right "Happy Holidays". That's more P.C.

1 comment:

  1. I'll pass on 'The Hangover'. Todd Phillips... *shudder*... that cultural abomination... But thanks for your other recommendations, Videotheque Blog!
