Monday, March 28, 2005


Heyall So I feel a bit refreshed. There was no life-threatening emergency last week, it was that I sir, had skipped out of town. So my apologies for those avid readers. Seeing as that Club VT has ventured into the advertising market and has completed their very own commercial! Yes, so let us celebrate, dance smooth and suave, and enjoy the way the rain lands on the top of our heads! Certainly, maybe, possibly...

After the Sunset: On my short hiatus from this wretched place(!), the wonderful airline I was trapped in decided to screen this gem. When they announced the feature, I exclaimed with glee, picked up my book and read the rest of the way home. Closer: Speaking of wretched things, the characters in this film seem to live in that vile piece of land. Sexual politics and vendettas collide in this hot ticket brought to you by Mr. Mike Nichols. Featuring the wonderful acting talent of Clive Owen, and then that of Jude Law, Patalie Nortman, and Ms. Lips herself, Julia Roberts. To prepare herself for the part, Julia Roberts had Jude Law kick her in the balls.

Crimson Rivers: Angels of the Apocalypse: Man, this sounds sooo goth. Reminds me of my ol' high school days. Also a former VT employee. Shh. I remember we would go to the Colorado River, sacrifice one of the witches and christen the river, The Crimson River. And then we got bored and decided to play Contra or Metroid. Remember the feeling you got when you found out in Metroid that she was a girl?! Those were the days.

Orgazmo!: Yes, I know this came out ages ago when Mormons were funny. But it has finally made it out to DVD, which means you can pause and rewind all those gorgeous babes as they are 'rescued' by Orgazmo. Features tons of zany, unsuitable-for-all-viewers commentary and plenty of other preversitivty.

Vera Drake: Oscar's long-shot at winning the best actress nod this year, this tiny little film by VT's fave Mike Leigh. This scripted/unscripted epic follows Mrs. Drake as she helps those in need by committing black market abortions. Sounds like a future Veggie-Tales episode to me. The giant Cucumber hides in London's streets as the Artichoke attempts to abort the Peppers unborn seedling. They are then arrested and sentenced to death on a long, swealtering skewer. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

*********************** New Staff Recs!! YES!! We have overthrown those Oscar Nods and commited an act of self-endulgence! Here are the fruits of our labor!

Mark: Forgein Film Fiesta: Consider it a taco salad of foreign films. Picking his favorites and best of the best fromt he world has to offer. This section reminds me of the painting shows at MOCA. Check out Mark's section to enjoy films that make you go "yeesss."

Andy: The Strokes: No, not the band. This topic is too sensitive to discuss therefore I will let you figure out Andy's sick joke. *Please Note that Andy's sense of humor does not reflect the rest of those who are employed here at Videotheque.

Meg: Who Do You Think You Are?: Feeling like you have a personality conflict? Not feeling yourself these days? Well, come sulk with one of the characters from Meg's section. Amensia, Denial,'s all here baby.

Elise: See ya! Wouldn't Want to be Ya!: For the last time, enjoy's Elise's pick. As reiterated by her section, she has moved on to better pastures and has ditched us all, like dust in the wind. Pay your respects to her by check out her swan songs of staff picks.

Introducing, Jessie: Infotainment: New girl Jessie has arrived in lieu of Elise's departure. She has already grabbed the store by the horns and called it it's bitch. She made it bark and yell out the best Documentaries it can think of. The resulting spouts are displayed here in all it's glory in her inagaural selection of recs. Make her feel welcome. So YES! back to our bad selves.

I hope you had a great Easter by laughing. Be good and don't be a stranger. go home.

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