Grace: A co-worker of mine had the same name as this film and wanted to watch it. Unfortunately, she couldn't watch it but it has to be cool: IT HAS A BABY VAMPIRE.
Old Jews Telling Jokes: My uncle Moishe would've loved to have seen this. He was an old Jew who told jokes. Unfortunately he has a pain in the tucas and can't sit in front of the TV. That man is a schmoe! A meschugener! Oi vay!
Stella: Live in Boston: I actually saw this one! For once, I saw a new release! So if you've ever seen the short lived Stella show or the internet shorts, expect that except, you know, it's live. I had a blast watching this and it's worth it alone to hear them talk about things that are too offensive to mention on this blog.
Triangle: The homiest of my homies, Johnnie To, Tsui Hark and Ringo Lam, got together and made a heist film. I would've most definitely have seen this if I knew it existed. C'est la vie! The fact that the main characters are drinking buddies who get thrown into the world of Hong Kong crime leads me to believe this is going to be off the proverbial hook.
Trumbo: I like the cover. Reminds me of my uncle Moishe. Except my uncle Moishe wasn't blacklisted nor did he write Spartacus nor did he have a documentary about him. He did sit in the bathtub all day reading "Reader's Digest", though. Anyways, this is a documentary about famous screenwriter Dalton Trumbo: a man who was the polar opposite of my uncle Moishe.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: This is actually a very clever idea for the studios. They can make several sequels detailing each character from the X-Men series by giving them their own movie. I've never seen an X-Men movie before (and a co-worker was shocked), but you gotta admit that this is a guaranteed way to make money to take to the bank.
Easy Virtue
Four Dragons
The Human Condition (Criterion)
Iron Monkey (Blu-Ray)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S.4
Kelly's Heroes
Legend of the Drunken Master (Jackie Chan) (Blu-Ray)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Blu-Ray)
Zatoichi (Takeshi Kitano) (Blu-Ray)
Dead Zone: Our very own Ronny D. kept insisting I had to see this after watching a parody of it on SNL. He hasn't recommended me one bad movie yet, so I took him up on it and watched it. I hate to gush all over a movie, but this was an excellent film. Christopher Walken plays an English teacher who after falling into a coma for five years, wakes up with the powers to tell the future (plus a cool new hairdo). The always great Martin Sheen plays a man running for senate that make Bush look like, uh... well, not look as bad and Brooke Adams plays his cutie who has since re-married after he fell into his coma. Despite not being one of Cronenberg's more auteur-ist works, it's still an excellent movie that's even separated into three different acts that almost feel like individual movies. Now that it was suggested to me, I want to pass on the oral tradition of suggesting movies and so I suggest that you watch it.
RV Parks' Criminal Lovers: RV has been married girl who's a rebel and who never-ever does any good. But he still loves her. To celebrate their recent crime-spree across the mid-west, he's dedicated a whole section featuring criminals with hearts in their eyes and their bullets in other people's hearts; classics like "The Honeymoon Killers", "Badlands", and "Wild at Heart".
See ya later.
I don't care if you know me or not, but please, don't call me "bro". It's obnoxious.
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