Tuesday, January 4, 2005

1:04:05 (Lesson lived)

*Ahhh* It's like Irish Spring soap, staring anew. We successfully made it out of those claustrophobic times, with thanks to you, and ready for round two. We sincerely hope everyone had a safe, memorable (probably not), and relaxing weekend. The big ball dropped and we set forth on our mindless adventures in film stock. 120 Fuji 800 is my choice. But before you google that, here's the shortlist for this weekend. It really is short. Auld, Lang, Syne!

Fraggle Rock: Your favorite hippie muppets from the 80s escaped the fuzz in their Spicolian van just to make their way into your entertainment system. I used watch these things and then forgot all about it. One day I was cleaning le garage and happened to come across a box of toys. In this box was a McDonald's (don't hate me Morgan Spurlock!) toy of Sprocket! When I first gazed into that loveable muppet's beady little eyes, I was transformed eons ago into my kinder days. Oh thank heaven for happy meals.

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle: Fans of the above and say, Half-Baked, are bound to fall in love with this comedy gem. Filled with ridable deers, puffs and puffs of clouds, and those oh so cute hamburgers, this flick brings joy to hordes of like-minded folk. Now, here at VT we do not condone such lascivious acts as those portrayed by Harold AND Kumar, however we understand that the youth of today are young, impressionable punks. There is nothing we can say that will deter them from committing such acts, but hear you me, if you come in here and ask to use the bathroom, you're bound to get turned down.

Riding Giants: Dude, where's my board? I dunno dude! Seriously dude, where's my board? Dude, I dunno!! Dude! where's my board! Dude, maybe Laird has it? Duuude?! I hate it when he jacks my board! Yeah, dude, I think he and Cindy took it out last night! Duude! Not cool man, not cool. He told me he was gonna make some movie or sumthin, I dunno man. Dude let's call him. Alright dude. Dude, where's my phone?

Troy: Badly-accented Brad Pitt and his heel star as Achilles. Wolfgang Petersen directs Pitt, Eric Bana and Peter O'Toole in this retelling of the Greek Tragedy. And let me tell ya that it's pretty darn tragic. This is the second big budget action flick that shows the stars gluteous maximus. So ladies, indulge yourself.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: What you say? This is already out? Well indeed you are correct, however, what I am discussing is the new double disc special edition. Featuring over an hour of stuff, cool photo book and things. Take it for a stroll.

other releases left unsaid: Bullfighter, Little Black Book, Speakeasy and Employee of the Month.

*** New Staff Recommendations! YAY! Here's what our wild and wily employees have lined up this month! Please support our picks and help our confidence!

Andy: ONOMATOPOEIA, WOULDN'T WANNA BE YA: Andy traveled the ends of the world to collect films that employ in some shape or form, the much over-looked english language phenomena. Come grade him on his selections. Guess how it works: Batman (60s), Freaks, & Wayne's World.

Megan: DIM SUM WITH CRISPIN: Hmm, me thinks Rick might of put her up to this. Anyways, enjoy a nice dinner with cult icon, Crispin Glover, and you'll be astonished by his oeuvre. Including Charlie's Angels, River's Edge and of course, Willard.

Elise: THE NOISE, THE NOISE, I LIVE FOR THE NOISE! Pssh, who needs words. These not-so-silent features share the next best thing to sight, sound! Take these home, relax or be enchanted. With or without the video, just pop in these babies and let your ears fall in love all over again. Featuring Philip Glass's 'Qatsi series, Baraka, & Triplets of Belleville.

Rick: SUBTRACTING DIGITS: Ouch! Never put your hand in a monkey's mouth, otherwise you'll end up in Rick's pix. I would recommend giving him a banana instead. Gratuitous violence fills Rick's section, so if you are feeling for a bit of the ol' ultra-violence, chew on these: Snatch, Heathers, and the Big Lebowski. alright maybe not that violent.

That be it for tonight. Godspeed, be safe, be merry, and be generous.


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