Monday, May 16, 2005


Hey dudes After a long, somewhat tiring weekend, I come to this computer to do my weekly drudge. Today it's seems a tad bit trivial, although I do enjoy doing these things. Over the past week, I lost a dear friend. Knowing that some of her friends are kind reader's of this humbled author's quips, my heart goes out to you. Now, onto the funny: oh boy, here it comes:

Kinsey: Sex. It's all you ever think about. Don't you have anything better to do? Yeah I don't either, but still I keep it to myself. Not that hornball Alfred Kinsey. He had to go around peeping into people's bedrooms, discovering everybody's nasty little secrets. He know's yours I bet. And recommends that you use cool whip instead.

Notre Musique: Legendary Jean-Luc Godard actually still makes movies. As to how good they are, is still left to be decided, but at least baby's still in the game. Taking the documentary to a critical format, Godard examines mankind's affinity to war through the ages. Using Dante as his structure his juxtaposition of images, speech and narrative to compile an interesting picture all his own. Here's what IMDB said: The structure is that of the Divina Commedia, with a rhetorical twist. "Death is the impossibility of possibility, or the possibility of impossibility. Thus, 'I is another.'" Or, as Godard explains, it's "champ contre champ," shot and reverse shot, a tacit equation (similarly, "writers don't know what they're talking about, men of action can't express themselves. Look at Mao."). Moreover, each section is described as a "royaume" (the title could be a reference to Rimbaud, "Savant music is lacking to our desire."). oh, I get it.

The Sea Inside: Don't let the Terry Shaivo case fool you. This controversy has been long abound. Euthanasia riles everybody's feathers. I'm thinking the Florida politicians, as well as those inhabiting the white house, didn't take a walk down to the cinema to check this one out. If it were up to me, it'd been homework. The awesome Javier Bardem, stars in Alejandro Amenbar's follow up to The Others. Winner of the 2004 Academy Award for Best Foreign Picture, it certainly will drop some tears slightly flutter your feathers.

Seinfeld Season 4: "It's a Nipple!"

Six Feet Under Season 3: Yes, Yes, Yes it's here. You can't stop salivating for the third season has finally arrived. Come get your fix of one HBO's better, less talked about productions. Featuring Gregory Crewdson photography!

Tarnation: Word of mouth gem, all done on one man's Imac. Jonathan Caouette's first feature mixes home movies, photos, psychedelic swirlies and text to tell of his relationship with his madre. Fascinating in seeing found footage and film functioning as psychotherapy. Now go make yours.

Team America: World Police:
The puppets are alive!! Thanks to Trey Parker and Matt Stone, bitches from South Park. Hilarious in making fun of everything and everyone mixed up in the politco world. Puppet sex? Yup, it's there, safely restored for your viewing pleasure. This is funny. Recommended.

White Noise:
aejsfdbn;fsvbn;dfvn;dufjvbn;sdfjvb;dsfivbdkfjvnbdsfvndofvnsd;pofnvdsf'ovsdnfdiubvd;oivna;dovbadsf;ovn dafovbasdfpvndf';idfnpasdbnvpasnvas;nvaposbas;osb;usdbf;dsuffnfnasdnvoirhsau ydgyasib;dbvd;fvb;uidb ;svb;asudvbsa;ua;o phew! I hear dead people.

other fine releases that I can't think of anything funny to say: Candide It's Easier for a Camel (Italy) The Green Butchers (Denmark) Bear Cub (Spain) My Mother Likes Women (Spain)


Now that's all.

Pick up the new West Video Magazine (here, there, everywhere!) to see the debut of our badass commercial. It's worth it for that alone. (Trust me) now go on.

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